Monday, February 6, 2017

Intro to Me!

Wow, it has been forever since I've updated this blog. I've never really blogged regularly, but I'm ready to try and blog more! I'm in my last year of school and I've been getting so many ideas, I just wanted a chance to write them all out, with my opinion, and share them.

So a little bit about me:

As the title might hint, I'm a huge reader. I love to read! I've read a range of genres, but I like to keep it PG/not graphic. Reading has been an escape for me and a chance for me to explore new worlds and learn things I probably wouldn't have learned otherwise. I have a softspot for LDS chick lit, which is my current fascination, but I also have a strong love for historical fiction, which laid the foundation for my love of history.

I am about to graduate (by the end of 2017) with a degree in History Teaching, which will have a strong influence on what I write about. I am not a professional writer and the opinions I express may not be beautifully crafted, but they'll be my own.

So that's me!

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