Monday, February 27, 2017

What a Facebook post, eggs, and my refrigerator taught me about cleaning

I saw a Facebook post touting the reason why Americans refrigerate eggs and Europeans don’t. While that is a fascinating topic (one I hope to learn more about), it got me thinking. Compared to my house and other areas I store food, my fridge is relatively empty. Why? Food that goes in there usually has an expiration date pretty soon, meaning that it has to have a pretty quick turnover rate while that can of soup has been in the back of the cupboard since I moved...and is still edible. Also, it’s pretty easy to see (or in some cases smell) when food has gone bad.

Like food, stuff has a turnover rate too. Time passes - what works for you when you get it may not work for you later. Don’t keep something that has “expired” - you don’t need it taking up space and spoiling everything else. For example - I don’t need to keep four pairs of earbuds that partially work, right? Either fix them, or let them go. They’re taking up physical space and mental space. This is something that I’ve been working through a lot lately. I’ve done some research and found some great ideas:

“There are plenty of options. The important thing is for you to stop loving the clothes that don’t love you.”  -

“...If old clothing is holding you back from self-acceptance, then do yourself a favor and dive into some spring cleaning. This isn’t giving up, or giving in—it’s a way of embracing growth. And the best part is that you’ll emerge with a wardrobe that makes you feel your best–isn’t that what clothing is supposed to do?” -

“Does it spark joy?” - KonMari, The Lifechanging Magic of Tidying Up - I love the principles she talks about and while I don’t think I can do everything she recommends right now, she has some good points, like only keeping things that spark joy. If you only have things that spark joy, imagine how joyful life can be?

Here are my questions/criterion for cleaning out my clothes. Adapt and modify as needed for you and your circumstance.

Cleaning out questions
  • Does it fit?*
  • Does it need to be fixed? How big of a fix? Is it a quality piece?
  • Do I wear it? How long has it been since I’ve worn it?
  • Is it still in style?
  • Does another piece serve the same purpose?
  • Does it fit the image I want to project?

*This is a tough one - if you are in the process of losing/gaining weight, these are great resources that helped me:

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